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关于”家庭对年轻人的影响“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The impact of family on young people。以下是关于家庭对年轻人的影响的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of family on young people

Looking back on the past ten years, I have had the greatest impact on the people. I am no different from ordinary people. But the most important thing for me is the normal mapping of her heart.

Tolerance, understanding, openness and love are the most important to me. Every move of my mother has made me learn tolerance, the universality of understanding and learning, and the ability to think for others. I am always the one sitting beside me Love, after they were happy, she did too much for me, but she never asked any one, that is what a wide range of unselfish love ah, it gives me too many unforgettable things, such as mountains, the world like the sea may have many peaks, it can not compare with my love for her, if I learned the way people care and appreciate her Point, a little bit of self-confidence and persistence, I want to thank my mother, who has the greatest influence on me in my life.




The Spring Festival is the most important day for Chinese people, because all the families get together. It is a happy day. But in these years, the situation has changed, and more young people are facing great pressure, because more and more young people choose to marry late, or some of them have not found a suitable soul mate, their relatives and Parents will force them to have girlfriends or boyfriends, so they are still single when they go home.

Parents are worried about their future and urge these young people to get married as soon as possible. The pressure of parents annoys young people. They want to escape the pressure, and some even find excuses to escape from going home.

Now that the times have changed, parents should understand that young people pursue freedom, they want to find the right person, rather than marry for the birth of the next generation. If the pressure from parents is less, then their children will live a happy life enough for young people.




Modesty and modesty is a national character of Chinese people. There are many stories about modesty in Chinese history, but some people think that under the influence of western culture, modesty seems to be less important than before. I can't agree with them.

I think this is the quality everyone should have. Many young people don't realize the importance of modesty. They only get a little success, so they don't Try to improve.

In addition, some people think highly of themselves and ignore other people's suggestions and suggestions, which will bring bad consequences to them.




标签: 小升初 英文 高分 作文 家庭

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